Return a puzzle in an exchange

Step by step intructions on how to return a puzzle in an exchange.

Now for your rating points. Your points are calculated starting on the day after delivery. So if you mail your puzzle back today you will get 5 points. For each day that you wait, you lose .1482 points. You have 30 days to mail one back. On the 30th day, your points will be reduced down to 0 (but we give you 1 if you return one). You must file a return shipment form and must include a tracking number. You will lose half your points for failing to do so. This is the most important swap because we average all your swaps in with this one and so this initial rating is the most important.

We hope that this information has been a help to you and that you enjoy the puzzle exchange. So many of our members have been with us for quite a while and are enjoying the swapping process. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Step 1 - Determine what to send
The first thing you need to do is open your package and see what they sent you. Check the shipping notice, do they want the same piece count or puzzle count? Or both? If you got a 500 and a 750, then try to send them back a 500 and a 750. If you can’t, look at their preferences on the recipients list and see what they agree to accept. If they are not in the 1000-2000 group, don’t send a 1500. Sometimes they will include a note in the comments section to help you with the return. Also look at the quality that they sent. Are the pieces thick and good quality? What is the manufacturer name? If it is a Ravensburger, it is very good quality. Puzzle Bug? Probably from a low end store. Try to send a puzzle back to them that is the same brand if you can. Most times this will be difficult. In that case, try to send the same quality of piece (thickness, size, etc.). Select the puzzle that you would like to send to the member.

Step 2 - Check the library
sometimes you can get a good indication of what kind of puzzles the sender may like based on their choices of puzzles that they have requested from the library. Visit the Puzzle Library and scroll through the request column and look for their name. Perhaps you have a puzzle in your collection that is also in the library or has a Library ID number on it. If you do, then this is an easy choice in what to send them. Requests from the library take preference over simply returning a puzzle. If you have a puzzle that is in the library, make a note of the number (you will need this number when filling out the return swap form so write it down before you seal your package).

Step 3 - Prepare the puzzle
Place the pieces in a 1 gallon plastic ziplock storage bag. Some puzzles that have small pieces or are 500 pieces or less can be placed in smaller plastic bags. If the box gets damaged and torn in transit, your pieces will not be spread from VA to FL as has happened on one particular incident.

Step 4 - The puzzle journey sheet
You need to include a puzzle journey sheet in the box. This sheet tells where the puzzle has been and who has worked it. NEVER, send a puzzle to a member whose name is on that journey sheet. If you have received this puzzle from another member it should already have a puzzle journey sheet in the box. If it does not or you are sending the puzzle for the first time, please print a journey sheet (Color or Black and White) and write the member's name who sent it to you, followed by your name, city, state, country and today's date.

Step 5 - Prepare the box
A typical box with a top and bottom is usually sufficient to withstand shipping. Please wrap it in brown paper and seal it with clear shipping tape. Some puzzle have poorly constructed boxes, Ceaco is one of these brands that sometimes use a cereal box like container. We have found that these boxes do now ship well and after a couple exchanges, become crushed and flimsy. It is best to put these boxes in another box prior to shipping. If you are sending more than one puzzle at a time, use a larger box that will hold them all and use a filler to keep them from moving around inside the box.

Step 6 - The shipping label
We have a shipping label that you can use if you like. Print the form Shipping Label, fill out the sender and recipient information and then apply it to your package. Completely cover the label with clear packing tape so that it does not tear and get removed during shipping.

Step 7 - Mail your package
Take your package to the Post Office or other shipping service. We have found that it appears to be cheaper to use USPS than FedEx or UPS but you may use any service you wish. Some members have said that they save money by using the online stamps option like Stamps.com or buying stamps through USPS.com. Make sure that you get a tracking number for your package, USPS First Class mail DOES NOT included tracking. Puzzles sent without tracking numbers will NOT get credited with rating points because it entails more work for the administration for JPSE

Step 8 - Submit your return Puzzle Swap form
Use this link to submit a Return Puzzle. This form is very important as it alerts the sender that a return puzzle is coming to them. It also provides the information necessary to calculate your Timeliness rating points. Failing to submit the form will cost you half of the points earned on this return which is crucial to your overall Timeliness Rating.

Step 9 - Swap reporting
Once we have recieved the return swap form, we will send an email to both you and the swap initiator with the details of the swap. Tracking notices (if USPS) will begin for the recipient. Any correspondence concerning this swap should include the swap number. The swap will be recorded on the Transit Board so that you and the recipient can see where the package currently is or if there is a problem with delivery. The swap will drop off the board once it has been in Swap Complete status for 7 days.