Initiate a puzzle exchange

Step by step intructions on how to initiate a puzzle exchange.

Step 1 - Select puzzle
Select the puzzle that you would like to send to a member. Take notice of the brand, number of pieces, etc.

Step 2 - Prepare the puzzle
Place the pieces in a 1 gallon plastic ziplock storage bag. Some puzzles that have small pieces or are 500 pieces or less can be placed in smaller plastic bags. If the box gets damaged and torn in transit, your pieces will not be spread from VA to FL as has happened on one particular incident.

Step 3 - The puzzle journey sheet
If you have received this puzzle from another member it should already have a puzzle journey sheet in the box. If it does not or you are sending the puzzle for the first time, please print a journey sheet and write the member's name who sent it to you, followed by your name, city, state, country and today's date. If there is a piece missing add "mp" after the number on the sheet and on the label of the box.