Add a puzzle to the Library

Use this form to add a puzzle to the Puzzle Library. Fill in all fields for this form and upload a photo. The puzzle will be assigned an ID number and sticker(s) will be mailed to you to apply to the puzzle box.
To keep our mailing costs down, please specify how many labels you need for future puzzle additions so that we can send a sufficient number of ID labels at one time. You may also download the label pdf from the forms library and print your own labels.

Puzzles should not have any missing pieces when adding them to the library. A puzzle missing more than one piece cannot be accepted into the library or traded to another member. Please destroy it or donate it elsewhere..

Your Information

Required if you are requesting labels to be sent to you.
We will contact you by email if necessary.
Enter the number of blank labels you need sent to you for future puzzle submissions. Labels are 5 per strip. Also provide your full address above.

Puzzle Info

Before you get started, search the title of your puzzle in the Puzzle ID field of the menu bar. if a puzzle EXACTLY matches your puzzle, you have a duplicate. Read the instructions below in the next section for more details.

Please provide all the information for each field. This helps members search and find puzzles they like from the library. Choose the best field for each category. If it is not listed, add it in the comments section.

Enter the title in the Puzzle Search bar of the Interactive tools for this puzzle title. If not found, it is a new puzzle addition. If found, make sure it is exactly the same. and it is exactly like the one listed, it is a duplicate.
If there is a journey sheet inside the box with other names, it is a Duplicate already in circulation. Please add these names to the list in previous users below as shown. Also photograph the journey sheet and include it for processing.
If this puzzle is a new duplicate copy or already in circulation, enter the Puzzle ID number here. It must be exactly the same as the library copy in size, piece, count, brand, etc.
This can be hard to find sometimes. Look on the sides of the box where the manufacturer's name is, sometimes it can be hidden there. If no title, include a short description. Only the title goes here.
Enter the number of pieces here
Measure side to side, usually, this can be found on the box. Use whole numbers, round up if decimal.
Measure Top to bottom. Use whole numbers, round up if decimal.
Type the first letter of the brand name. Choose the manufacturer / brand from the list. If not listed, choose Add New and enter details in comments below.
Choose the collection/theme here. Choose the closest selection to what your puzzle is about.
Type the first letter of the Artist's First Name. Choose the artist name here. If not listed, choose Add New and enter details in comments below.
Usually on the box it will give a number with a plus sign. Please provide that number.
Shaped puzzles are always Unique Shapes. Choose all that apply.
Please describe the items in the puzzle picture. Enter a few keywords to help members that like those features and categories that may be of interest to other members.
Only 1 missing piece is allowed, any more than that will prohibit this puzzle from being added or traded.
Choose the best rating category for this puzzle. This is the quality of the pieces, the way they fit together, their construction, etc.
We have many puzzles that are the same scene but different sizes or brands. If your puzzle is like another in the library, enter that puzzle ID number here.
REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW PUZZLE ADDS Take your photo horizontally, NOT vertically. To keep photos consistent, please lay the puzzle box on the floor, table, or countertop in plenty of light. Try to get all of the box in the picture, leaving no more than 1 inch of border. Press the picture button slightly to let the camera adjust the auto-flash for best picture. Please reference the photos in the library so that the ones you take are similar. Photos must be in .jpg or .jpeg format and should not exceed 4000 kb.
If you got this puzzle from a member, please send us a copy of the journey sheet in the box so that we can ensure our data is correct.